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Agenda aerospace des évènements importants de l’aéronautique et du spatial dans le monde.

Agenda d’évènements d’entreprises et d’universités, d’institutions publiques en rapport avec l’aéronautique. Colloques, conférences, salons, meeting aériens, journées des métiers, workshops, en France et dans le monde.
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Artificial Intelligence Applications in aeronautics, defence and space @ Direction Générale de l'Aviation Civile
Nov 13 @ 08:00 – Nov 14 @ 20:00
Artificial Intelligence Applications in aeronautics, defence and space @ Direction Générale de l'Aviation Civile

The Air and Space Academy is organizing an international conference on Artificial Intelligence and its applications in aeronautics, defense, and space to be held on November 13 and 14, 2024, at the Direction Générale de l’Aviation Civile (DGAC) in Paris & ONLINE.

We are currently witnessing a real wave of Artificial Intelligence which, although invented in 1956, has intensified particularly since the 2000s, with peaks linked mainly to the various corresponding inventions.
The aim of this conference is to bring together the key players to take stock of current developments in civil aeronautics, defence and space and to identify the corresponding future critical systems capable of making the most of industrial and trustworthy AI, both on the development side and in operations. Advantages and disadvantages will be discussed, including risks and ways of managing them, particularly in sensitive applications.
The conference is directed at operators of civil and defence aerospace systems, their contractors and industrial developers, research bodies, as well as public services and regulators.
A concluding round table will analyse common developments and constraints to be considered in the three sectors of aeronautics, defence and space.

Key speakers will include:
Thierry Breton, European Commissioner for the Internal Market (TBC)
Robert Madelin, former Director General of the European Commission’s DG CNECT
General Moritz, Operational Manager France for the European Future Air Combat System
Brigadier general Philippe Koffi, AAE, French Procurement agency (DGA), architect of the combat engagement, in charge of the FCAS project”
Isabelle Ryl, Director of Institut Prairie
Gérard Sabah, former CNRS Research Director (AI), Fellow of the EuropeanAssociation for Artificial Intelligence.
Patrick Johnson, Executive Vice-President Dassault Systèmes

Full programme & registration: