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ENAC and APEX team up to offer EASA pilot training programs in Taiwan

enac-apex-easa-pilot-training-program-taiwanOn the 10th of January 2018, ENAC (Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile) and APEX signed a partnership agreement to provide an integrated ab-initio training solution to airlines and aspiring pilots at APEX, Taiwan. This agreement will help address the worldwide issue of pilot shortage whereas the quality of training remains paramount.

ENAC becomes the APEX strategic and reference partner to enhance its training capacities with the objective to reach and maintain the required level of EASA standards and ENAC quality. This will be achieved through tight interactions between both flying schools to standardize and to supervise the APEX flight training organisation. Based on its experience ab-initio training and cooperation with other flying schools, ENA will provide to APEX all required background and know-how.

APEX will be an ENAC center under the EASA ENAC Approved Training Organisation and will be part of the ENAC worldwide network of excellence for an-initio training.

APEX will develop and perform jointly with ENAC new capacities to deliver high-end and ready-to-fly First Officers to airlines such as Mandarins Airlines.

Cooperation with ATR

ENAC will leverage on APEX capacities to provide the end-to-end ATR pilot development program established in cooperation with the aircraft manufacturer ATR.

“We are pleased to partner with APEX to meet the industry booming demand for highly qualified pilots. This collaboration is being built on solid ground as we share the same values of safety, excellence and efficiency in pilot training” said Philippe Crebassa, Vice President, ENAC. “By implementing EASA standards and ENAC quality in Taiwan, APEX will offer a premium and competitive solution”.

“We are honored to be selected as one of ENAC’s Asia partner” comment Wilson Kao, Managing Director, APEX. “Once we implemented the EASA standards via ENAC expertise and experience, APEX will be able not only train domestic student in Taiwan, but also seize the big opportunities in other parts of Asia for ab initio programs and retail markets”.

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