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Conference : Wilfried Covent about Brussels Airport attacks – ENAC

enac-forum-metiersForum des métiers ENAC

Conference : Wilfried Covent about Brussels Airport attacks – ENAC

During the ENAC Air Transport Security Day in October 2016, Wilfried Covent, Brussels Airport Head of Security, testified about March 2016 attacks.

N°1 in Europe

Our institution provides a comprehensive range of 28 higher education programs ranging from Bachelor to Master of Science, Aviation Advanced Master, Master of Business and Administration as well as Ph.D.s in the domains of aeronautics and aviation.

Since its creation in 1949, ENAC has provided professional training to civil aviation personnel such as Air Traffic Controllers, ATSEPs and technicians for Civil Aviation Authorities (CAA) or Air Navigation Service Providers from all over the world (e.g. China, Switzerland, EuroControl, Indonesia, Philippines, Brazil, Africa, Georgia, Mongolia, Saudi Arabia).

ENAC alumni work in aeronautical and aviation companies, in fields such as manufacturing (Airbus, ATR, Embraer, Safran, P&W, GE, Rockwell Collins, Thales, Indra), and airports, airlines, civil aviation authorities as well as air navigation providers across the globe.

ENAC is also known internationally for its training of ATPL and MPL pilots for airlines including Air France, Easyjet, Transavia, Sichuan Airline, China Eastern, Shanghai Airline, Lao Airline, Oman Air and Royal Air Maroc.

Innovative ENAC research laboratories work in cooperation with the best universities worldwide to provide a safer, more efficient and more sustainable air transport system.

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