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Space: Council approves conclusions on the EU space strategy for security and defence

News actualites aeromorning

The Council today approved conclusions on the first EU Space Strategy for Security and Defence.

The Council recalled the EU’s longstanding commitment to international law and to the values and guiding principles developed in the United Nations framework, and reaffirmed the readiness of EU member states to continue working to establish norms, rules, and principles of responsible behaviours across the full range of space activities.

The Council reiterated the strategic nature of space, and the necessity for the EU, as global space power, to address current and upcoming security challenges linked to the recent intensification of irresponsible and hostile behaviours in the space domain.

The Council welcomed the new strategy, supported its main avenues, and proposed the following actions:

  • increase the EU’s understanding of space threats, through a yearly classified analysis and the strengthening of military and civilian intelligence services on space security
  • enhance the resilience and protection of space systems and services, acknowledging the Commission’s intention to propose an EU space law
  • better respond to space threats through space domain awareness information, a dedicated toolbox for EU joint responses, and the further development of exercises
  • enhance the use of space for security and defence purposes by better integrating the space dimension into the planning and conduct of Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) missions and operations; by strengthening the EU Satellite Centre (EU SatCen); and by developing space services for governmental use at EU level, including by building on a pilot project proposed by the Commission on a new EU Earth observation governmental service

Finally, the Council reaffirmed the EU’s commitment to address these challenges in outer space through international cooperation and collaboration, including through possible new space security dialogues.

The Council will follow the implementation of this new strategy by the High Representative and the Commission.

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