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Anywaves on track

Anywaves, a company founded by Nicolas Capet in 2017, expert in the field of miniature antennas, has the mission to develop, design, industrialize and sell antennas for satellite constellations and many uses such as telecommunications, radar, navigation tools for example.

An advanced technology

The company’s strong point in terms of technology is on the one hand a very strong expertise, a know-how that allows it to master all the most innovative and disruptive concepts in the field of electromagnetism, as well as “signature” technologies of 3D printed ceramic substrates that allow it to go to the optimum of antenna miniaturization.

An industrial vision

The strength of Anywaves is also its industrial vision, because it has the capacity to produce quickly with a level of reliability compatible with space applications and relies in part on partners, an industrial fabric and know-how extremely strong in the region of Occitane, in France and Europe.

After satellites, which markets?

Nicolas Capet declares: “We realize that there are many similarities in the various fields of space, defense and aeronautics, in which we are looking for excellent performance with extremely high levels of reliability, and in very severe conditions of use, and our technologies for satellites will find other outlets in aeronautical, space, defense applications, drones, etc… “.

Today, on a mainly civil market, Anywaves is preparing to meet the needs of the defense sector, and is developing a new generation of antennas for satellite constellations.

In 2020, and despite the health crisis, Anywaves, a CNES spin-off, achieved a turnover of more than one million euros, mostly in exports, in Europe, but also in Asia. Asia is a booming market for the space industry, and Anywaves has good business prospects with its first customer in India, the startup Pixel, which is developing a constellation of earth observation satellites for the needs of the Indian population.
Anywaves also had great successes in the same year with Loft Orbital, Thalès Alénia Space on the Omnispace constellation, Airbus for the CO3D constellation, in short, extremely intense space activities.

At the beginning of the health crisis last year, because of its small size and agility, the company adapted within 24 hours to continue its full activity by teleworking.
Anywaves benefited from a PGE (State Guaranteed Loan) which allowed it to continue its activity, to develop and to expand its product portfolio, and now aims to become a world leader in the field of antennas for satellite constellation, a nice brick for the European space sovereignty. Nadia Didelot for AeroMorning

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