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Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USV) for Defense and Security – Market and Technology Forecast to 2030

News actualites aeromorning

Market forecasts by Region, Spending Element, and End-Use. Current and Future USV technologies, Country analysis, Market Dynamics, Opportunity Analysis, and Leading Companies.

Unmanned Surface Vehicles will revolutionize naval warfare in the near future as new, larger categories are being developed. They are evolving from tools that can carry out a number of tasks to systems capable of operating with a high degree of autonomy in a joint, network-centric environment. The USV market is still at its early stages, which offers significant opportunities.

The developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) enable the transition in the use of USVs in highly complex scenarios, that include collaborative operations with manned platforms. In a near-peer confrontation, this will allow manned vessels to control swarms of large displacement, weaponized USVs that will overwhelm an opponent’s defenses. Practically, the concept of distributed lethality will expand exponentially revolutionizing the face of naval warfare.

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