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Performance-Based Regulation Maturity Assessment Tool

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UK CAA Unveils Performance-Based Regulation Maturity Assessment Tool

The UK Civil Aviation Authority (UK CAA) has launched a first-of-its-kind, Performance-Based
Regulation (PBR) Maturity Assessment, designed to help Aviation Regulators establish their readiness to adopt a performance-based approach.
Available through CAA International (CAAi), a wholly owned subsidiary of the UK CAA, the Maturity
Assessment involves a two-week, on-site “health-check” of a National Aviation Authority. Conducted by specially trained UK CAA Assessors, the assessment focuses on 16-core regulatory areas via a series of interviews, focus groups and surveys with Regulatory personnel at all seniority levels. UK CAA Analysts review the results and prepare a high-level report, highlighting strengths and areas that require further attention to support a performance-based approach. These areas could include what the UK CAA refers to as “essential elements” – items that must be resolved before PBR transformation can commence.
John Clark, Safety Programme Manager for the UK CAA said, “Regulators looking to adopt PBR
almost always start by asking “Where do I begin?”. Regulators need a baseline to work from and nextstep priorities. The UK CAA Maturity Assessment allows Regulators to establish this in a matter of weeks – something that without guidance, took the UK almost two years to achieve”.
Since the transition to PBR in the UK, the CAA and Industry have seen safety information proactively used to promote an open and challenging risk-based discussion between the Regulator and the Regulated. A performance-based approach has allowed the UK CAA to make more informed
decisions on how the aviation industry is managing risk. The adoption of PBR in the UK involved many transformational changes across the UK CAA involving people, processes, systems, industry,
engagement and cultural mindsets. Regulators will benefit from establishing their PBR readiness as early as possible and by utilising the UK CAA’s experiences and lessons learnt, will be able to plan an effective PBR transformation programme.

A wholly owned subsidiary of the UK CAA
The UK CAA advocates that all Regulators can start adopting PBR principles, regardless of their
maturity, industry size or level of Effective Implementation with ICAO Standards and Recommended
Practices (SARPs). Inevitably every Regulator will face unique opportunities and challenges. The UK CAA recognises there is no “right” or “wrong” way to implement PBR but hopes by sharing its
experiences, know-how and lesson learnt, the UK can help fellow aviation Regulators commence their journey to PBR and ultimately, benefit from the safety and efficiency improvements seen from PBR in the UK.

CAA International (CAAi) is a globally recognised aviation consultancy and is a wholly owned
subsidiary of the UK Civil Aviation Authority (UK CAA).
CAAi offers advisory services, professional training and aviation examination services to help clients deliver and promote best practice in aviation safety, security, economic regulation and consumer protection, helping to create a flying world fit for the 21st Century.
CAAi’s expert advice is sought wherever technical knowledge, legal probity and commercial
judgement are critical. Drawing on the experience and know-how of technical professionals – current regulators and project management specialists, CAAi delivers tailored solutions shaped to meet the needs of all sectors of the Aviation Industry.

Source: CCAI
CAA International Ltd Aviation House Gatwick Airport South West Sussex RH6 0YR United Kingdom
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