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Transforming the Passenger and Airport Experience

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Geneva – The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced that the inaugural Global Airport and Passenger Symposium (GAPS) will address the challenge of improving the passengers experience as demand rises.

The primary drivers of change are expected to be data-driven technology solutions. GAPS will help stakeholders across the aviation value chain map out the future around four main areas of change:

The Transforming Airport: Technology will enable the transfer of some airport processes offsite and transform how passengers board their planes once they are at the airport.
The World of Interactive Data: The real-time exchange of operational data is enabling collaborative decision-making and creating business opportunities to serve customers better.
The Seamless Journey: Back office efficiencies (ONE Order) and innovation in identity management (One ID) offer the possibility to revolutionize airport processes.
The Aircraft Experience: Improvements in aircraft design and on-board systems will enable product innovations that customize the passenger experience while expanding revenue-generating opportunities.

“Air travel is expected to double by 2036, the industry will not be able to handle the growth or evolving customer expectations with the current processes, installations and ways of doing business. GAPS brings together experts to share research and learnings and collectively shape solutions for the future passenger journey,” said Nick Careen, IATA’s Senior Vice President, Airport, Passenger, Cargo and Security.

Other highlights of GAPS will include:

Economic and Passenger Outlook presented by Brian Pearce, IATA’s Chief Economist
Results of IATA’s 2018 Global Passenger Survey
Presentation of IATA StartUp Innovation Awards
Presentation of the NEXTT Innovation BootCamp outcomes
Dedicated session on ‘making the bag digital’
An exhibition showcasing the latest products, technologies and solutions which define the passenger experience both on the ground, and in the air
The first edition of GAPS will take place in Athens, Greece from 2 – 4 October. More than 500 senior delegates from across the travel value chain are expected to attend.

IATA (International Air Transport Association) represents some 290 airlines comprising 82% of global air traffic.
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Source: IATA (International Air Transport Association)

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