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The volume of traffic at Munich Airport is beginning to soar

Over one million passengers again for the first time in July
July 13, 2021

Number of passengers and flights steadily rising since February July first month to see more than 50,000 passengers again in a single dayTraffic expected to increase significantly in the second half of the year

The volume of traffic at Munich Airport is beginning to soar once again. For the first time in more than a year, Munich Airport counted over 50,000 passengers on two days in July. Flughafen München GmbH (FMG) is anticipating that the number of air travelers for the entire month of July will surpass the one-million mark.

Traffic development during the first half of the year in Munich – much like the entire international aviation industry – was still suffering major impacts from the coronavirus pandemic. In the first 6 months of 2021, the airport registered 40,000 flights with just under 2.2 million passengers. The volume of air cargo carried was around 65,000 metric tons.

Examining the monthly trend reveals that demand in the aviation industry has been growing stronger since the beginning of the year. For example, both aircraft movements and passenger volume have steadily risen higher every month since February. The second quarter saw three times as many passengers and twice as many flights processed compared to the first three months of the year.

The upward trend could continue for the remainder of the send half of 2021. With the easing of Europe’s travel restrictions and the successful continuation of its vaccination campaign, more and more people are able to travel by air. Now the Bavarian state capital is connected to more than 160 destinations around the world once again. Besides 12 cities in Germany and 133 destinations across Europe, travelers departing from Munich can once again reach 19 long-haul destinations in North America and Asia.

The CEO of Flughafen München GmbH, Jost Lammers says, “We have hopefully made it through this rough patch and are leading Munich Airport further out of the crisis. I am confident that our airport will regain its status as premium hub and then the volume of traffic will reach and even surpass its previous high.

Source: Munich Airport

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