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Safran’s 2021 Annual General Meeting

Paris, May 26, 2021 

Given the exceptional situation resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic and in line with the regulations  introduced as part of the efforts to stem its spread, the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’  Meeting was held today behind closed doors, without Safran’s shareholders being physically present,  at the Safran Campus in Massy (France), under the chairmanship of Ross McInnes. 

The Annual General Meeting was broadcast live on the 2021 Annual General Meeting section of the  Company’s website and by telephone conference. The complete recording is freely accessible to  shareholders on the Group’s website. 

In order to preserve shareholders’ participation at this important information and decision-making  event, in addition to the shareholders’ legal right to submit “written questions”, a dedicated module was made available on the Company’s website through which shareholders were able to ask questions prior to the Meeting and live (orally) to speakers during the Meeting. 

Ross McInnes, Chairman of the Board of Directors, and Monique Cohen, Chair of the Appointments and Compensation Committee, presented subjects relating to corporate governance and corporate  officers’ compensation.  

Olivier Andriès, Chief Executive Officer, reviewed the 2020 highlights and activity, as well as the 2021  outlook. He also presented Safran’s new CSR policy challenges based on 4 pillars for value creation.  These 4 pillars contribute to Safran’s raison d’être and are broken down into commitments and targets  going out to 2025, allowing an annual follow-up of the Group’s CSR roadmap. 

Bernard Delpit, Group Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer reviewed the 2020 Group’s results and presented the 2021 first quarter revenues. 

Patrick Pélata, Director responsible for monitoring climate issues and Chairman of the Innovation,  Technology & Climate Committee and Olivier Andriès then presented Safran’s climate strategy and  action plan. Given its position in most aircraft-system segments, and all energy systems in particular,  the Group spearheads the technological response to climate change. 

Voting results 

Resolutions submitted to a vote by the Annual General Meeting were approved, notably financial  authorizations allowing Safran to seize, if appropriate, opportunities arising on financial markets but  excluding those which could be used during a public offer. 

Shareholders thus notably approved : 

∙ the financial statements for the fiscal year 2021 and voted for the payment of a dividend of  0.43 euro per share, to be paid as of June 2, 2021;  

∙ all resolutions concerning the Board of Directors’ composition: ratification of the appointment  of Olivier Andriès as a Director, the re-appointment of Hélène Auriol Potier, Patrick Pélata  and Sophie Zurquiyah, as well as the appointment of Fabienne Lecorvaisier as a new  independent Director; 

∙ all resolutions concerning corporate officers’ compensation (2020 compensation, information  regarding compensation, compensation policies for 2021, Directors’ compensation package);

∙ the new authorization allowing Safran to repurchase its own shares at a price not exceeding  €165 per share. 

Given the approval of all resolutions concerning the Board of Directors’ composition, the proportion of  independent Directors on the still 18-member Board, remained at 64.3%* and the proportion of women  Directors at 42.8%*. 

When Odile Desforges’ term of office expired at the close of the Annual General Meeting, Laurent  Guillot became the Chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee and Fabienne Lecorvaisier joined this  Committee. Laurent Guillot also joins the Innovation, Technology & Climate Committee. In addition,  Stéphanie Besnier, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the French State Investments Agency, appointed  as representative of the French State on Safran’s Board of Directors by ministerial decree of May 12, 

2021, replacing Suzanne Kucharekova Milko, joined the Audit and Risk Committee and the  Appointments and Remuneration Committee, replacing Vincent Imbert. 

The 2021 Annual General Meeting’s voting results will be made available on the 2021 Annual General  Meeting section of the Company’s website (at: meeting). 

On June 14, 2021, GE Aviation’s President & Chief Executive Officer (John S. Slattery) and Safran’s  Chief Executive Officer (Olivier Andriès) will share their vision to decarbonize aviation. The recording  of this event, as well as the related press release, will be made freely accessible later in the afternoon  on the Group’s website.  

Safran will publish its 2021 half-year report on Thursday, July 29, 2021. 

* In accordance with the AFEP-MEDEF Corporate Governance Code, Directors representing employee shareholders and  Directors representing employees are not taken into account in these calculations.

Source : Safran

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