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Naval Group to open a subsidiary in Greece

News actualites aeromorning

To reinforce the ramp-up of its operations in Greece, Naval Group will open Naval Group Hellas, its 100% subsidiary in Greece in early 2023.

As part of Naval Group’s long-term commitment to Greece and to reinforce growing operations with Hellenic partners, Naval Group will open a 100% subsidiary in Greece in early 2023. This subsidiary will be the pillar for Naval Group’s long-term footprint in Greece and will be structured with substantial investment for a progressive ramp up of its Hellenic personnel based on training, transfer of technology and transfer of knowledge.

After a progressive ramp-up, the Hellenic staff will constitute the majority of the subsidiary’s workforce, which could sustain up to 100 jobs.

The subsidiary will generate and coordinate local industrial activities for the benefit of the Hellenic Navy.

Operating out of Athens, Naval Group Hellas will support the development and implementation of the Group’s Hellenic Industry Participation plan. More than 50 Hellenic companies have already joined Naval Group’s supply chain to contribute to the FDI for the French and Hellenic Navies programs as well as for other programs of the group.

Naval Group’s offer for the corvettes program of the Hellenic Navy also includes a robust cooperation plan to ensure economic benefits in Greece of at least 30% of the program value and create hundreds of jobs while furthering the involvement of Hellenic partners in the Group’s international operations.

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