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Logic, Blackshape and VoltAero join forces in developing hybrid-electric solutions for regional and commuter aircraft

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Le Bourget, France, June 17, 2019 – Two Italian companies and a French start-up are uniting their expertise to develop technologies for the evolving sector of smarter, more-electric airplanes – bringing together their expertise in composite aircraft design, hybrid-electric powertrains, electronic systems, engineering, as well as services

The joint effort – called the European Smart Electric Commuter partnership – brings together Italy’s Logic SpA and Blackshape SpA – which have teamed with France’s VoltAero in the development of VoltAero’s Cassio hybrid-electric project.

The ESEC partnership’s goal is to pursue the electrical and digital technologies that are rapidly coming into the aviation market, particularly as more-electric aircraft programs are emerging to address the air transport industry’s challenges of environmental sustainability, energy savings and reductions in noise and pollution.

In supporting VoltAero’s evolution of Cassio in the ESEC partnership’s framework, the three companies will offer their competences in areas that include structural design and certification, avionics, power management and distribution, as well as simulation and testing for EMI/EMC (electromagnetic interference/electromagnetic compatibility).

Looking to the longer-term, the team envisions stronger ties to develop a broader set of solutions for various hybrid-electric product applications – including the potential of VoltAero’s development and supply of hybrid-electric powertrains for multiple applications.

“Hybrid and electric power will unlock new urban mobility applications for people and goods while improving the quality of urban life and contributing to the future vision of smart cities,” said Alessandro Franzoni, the CEO of Logic.

Blackshape CEO Luciano Belviso added: “The goals of the ‘Flightpath 2050 – Europe’s Vision for Aviation’ report, issued by the European Commission – are very clear. We have to move now, to invest in R&D to meet the new requirements and contribute to the European leadership in terms of sustainable mobility.”

Jean Botti, VoltAero’s CEO and Corporate Technical Officer, said the team combines the expertise of companies that can bring true advances for an aviation industry that is clearly moving to more-electric technologies. “Our team will make a difference by bringing solutions that are pragmatic, realistic and based on de-risked technologies,” Botti stated.

Discover more about the European Smart Electric Commuter partnership at Logic SpA’s Paris Air Show exhibit (Stand Hall 1, F-282), and see VoltAero’s “Iron Bird” integration platform for its Cassio aircraft (Exhibit area A6, in the outdoor static display) at Le Bourget Airport.

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