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Increase and acceleration of Aster missiles production for France, Italy and the UK

News actualites aeromorning
*FSAF-PAAMS: Increase and acceleration of Aster missiles production for France, Italy and the UK within the Next Generation of Surface-to-Air Anti-Missile Systems*

Paris, 11th March 2025 - OCCAR-EA^1 Director Joachim Sucker, on behalf of France, Italy and the UK, and /eurosam/ Managing Director Anne Diaz De Tuesta
signed the 15th Amendment for the FSAF-PAAMS^2 Sustainment & Enhancement (S&E)

This new contract amendment covers the production of a new batch of Aster 30 B1
ground and naval missiles, and Aster 15 naval missiles. It focuses on the
improvement of the European production capabilities for the Aster missiles in
order to accelerate and increase the production for the Ground and Naval Air
Defence systems employed by the three nations’ forces (French Air Force, Italian
Air Force and Army, French, Italian and UK Navies). Thanks to this contractual
change, /*eurosam*/ and MBDA will enable OCCAR-EA to deliver the variants of the Aster family (Aster 15 & Aster 30) to the nations, within a shorter timeframe.

OCCAR-EA and /*eurosam */are proud to have placed this new contract amendment having worked closely with the national entities in charge of defence equipment procurement (Italian SGD^3 , French DGA^4 and UK DE&S^5 )

This amendment is a further catalyst that promotes and reinforces the existing
cooperation amongst the three nations supported by OCCAR-EA.

OCCAR-EA, /*eurosam*/, MBDA and Thales will therefore continue to lead the way to provide upgraded Air-Defence systems^6 to face increasingly more challenging threats for the benefit of the French and Italian Air Forces, Italian Army and the three Navies.

1 OCCAR –EA: Organisation for Joint Armament Cooperation – Executive Administration

2 FSAF: Surface to air anti-missile system family – PAAMS: Principal Anti Air
Missile Systems

3 Segretariato Generale della Difesa

4 Direction générale de l’armament

5 Defence Equipment and Support

6 OCCAR-EA is also in charge of the procurement of the New Generation of the FSAF-PAAMS ground and naval systems, like the /SAMP/T NG /and /PAAMS NG/

About eurosam

The *eurosam*
GIE (Economic Interest Grouping) is a Franco-Italian joint-venture created between MBDA and Thales. For more than 35 years, it has been the industrial prime contractor and design authority for Aster missile-based air defence systems.

The result of cooperation between France and Italy, extended to the United Kingdom, the systems developed by *eurosam* both in their land (SAMP/T) and naval (SAAM and PAAMS) applications have proven their effectiveness in combat.

Today, *eurosam* is positioned as the only European system manufacturer capable
of offering sovereign medium and long-range air defence solutions. To meet current defence challenges, *eurosam*
continues to innovate to offer its customers defence systems able to defeat current and future threats. This ability to anticipate and to innovate is based on the recognised expertise of its teams and that of its shareholders in terms of research and development and programme management. Source: eurosam

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