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GOL Using Jeppesen Crew Management Tools To Optimize Rosters

News actualites aeromorning

Jeppesen, a Boeing Company, has successfully integrated its Crew Rostering solution with GOL, a leading airline of Brazil, to optimize crew planning for the international carrier. GOL began using Crew Rostering earlier this summer, with operational assistance from Jeppesen. Following this initiation period, GOL recently signed an agreement with Jeppesen to fully transition into self-reliant use of Crew Rostering.

“With the use of Jeppesen Crew Rostering services, we have experienced lower operating costs and have been able to publish our crew rosters much earlier than we were able to previously,” said Capt. Sergio Quito, chief operating officer, GOL. “Since we initiated Crew Rostering in June, we have noted improved quality of life and job satisfaction from our team, which was an important factor for implementing this system.”

Jeppesen Crew Rostering is a component of a family of crew management solutions that optimize operations and increase efficiency for airlines. Jeppesen Crew Rostering helps airlines build high-quality rosters while reducing total costs and time to market, leading to increased profitability.

“Jeppesen Crew Rostering not only creates monthly rosters in a single production run, but it also provides the foundation to improve crew quality of life,” said Peter Andersson, vice president, Jeppesen Crew Management. “GOL now has greater crew planning flexibility and we look forward to working together to further enhance crew management capabilities for GOL’s 4,500 crew members.”

For more information on Jeppesen crew and fleet management services, please visit For further detail on the industry-leading navigation, operations, training and optimization solutions provided by Jeppesen, please visit

About Jeppesen

For more than 80 years, Jeppesen has made it possible for pilots and their passengers to safely and efficiently reach their destinations. Today, this pioneering spirit continues as Jeppesen delivers transformative information and optimization solutions to improve the efficiency of air operations around the globe. Jeppesen is a Boeing subsidiary and part of the Digital Aviation business unit within Boeing Commercial Aviation Services. Boeing offers the industry’s largest portfolio of support and services solutions, providing customers a competitive advantage by solving real operational problems, enabling better decisions, maximizing efficiency and improving environmental performance ? intelligent information solutions across the entire aviation ecosystem.

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