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eVTOL market: Research reveals strong growth of the sector with over 4,600 orders

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New research from Revolution Aero, which monitors the electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) sector, reveals the industry has secured over 4,600 orders (please see the attached press release). It estimates that just over 1,000 of these were made pre-2021, around 1,950 in 2021 and there has been approximately 1,650 orders this year so far. 

Revolution Aero, which is hosting a conference on the sector in San Francisco this week (12th to 13th September), which will welcome 250 delegates and host 23 sessions from industry leaders, estimates the eVTOL companies EVE, EHANG and Vertical have the largest order books to-date with over 1,250, 1,200 and 500 respectively.

Revolution Aero’s analysis reveals that organisations from 19 countries have made orders for eVTOLs. Over 1,940 orders have come from organisations based in the US, followed, by 1,000 eVTOLs scheduled to be delivered to Canada.  Over 600 are destined for Europe and over 370 to Asia.

Of the eVTOL orders made so far, airlines have accounted for over 1,200, followed by medical operators (around 1,000 orders) lessors (over 700 orders) and helicopter operators (over 500 orders).  Organisations from the business aviation, car manufacturing, seaplane and package delivery sectors have also placed orders.

Revolution Aero’s analysis reveals deliveries are expected to be made from 2024 onwards.  Where delivery dates have been provided, the bulk are for 2026.

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