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Embraer Group is certified by Great Place to Work consultancy

News actualites aeromorning

São José dos Campos, Brazil, June 25, 2024 – After the market’s positive response to its financial results, Embraer Group has gained another recognition to the good momentum of the business: the certification granted by Great Place to Work consultancy, which attests the quality of the work environment at Embraer and its affiliates in different countries.

The achievement comes from a global survey answered by employees, who voluntarily and anonymously evaluated different dimensions of the corporate culture. The certification is valid for operations in Brazil, China, the United States, France and Singapore.

“This accomplishment is the result of our continuous attention to different aspects that stimulate the development of the employees at all stages of their professional lives, improve their personal well-being and favor their engagement. This work is progressing in line with changes in the market and respecting the cultural particularities of each country in which we operate,” says Andreza Alberto, Embraer’s vice-president of People, ESG and Communication.

About Embraer

Embraer is a global aerospace company headquartered in Brazil. It manufactures aircraft for Commercial and Executive aviation, Defense & Security, and Agricultural customers. The company also provides after-sales services & support through a worldwide network of wholly owned entities and authorized agents.

Since it was founded in 1969, Embraer has delivered more than 8,000 aircraft. On average, about every 10 seconds, an aircraft manufactured by Embraer takes off somewhere worldwide, transporting over 145 million passengers a year.

Embraer is the leading manufacturer of commercial jets with up to 150 seats and is the leading exporter of high-value-added goods in Brazil. The company maintains industrial units, offices, service and parts distribution centers across the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Europe. Embraer’s APAC headquarters is in Singapore, and its China headquarters is in Beijing.

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