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Airflite new TBM service center in Australia

Airflite new TBM service center in Australia

Airflite becomes an authorized service center in Australia for Daher’s TBM turboprop-powered aircraft family

Perth, Australia, December 19, 2023 – Daher’s Aircraft Division today announced the further enhancement of its support Network coverage in Australia with the appointment of Airflite as an authorized service center for the TBM fast and efficient aircraft family, joining Airflite’s previous maintenance, repair and overhaul approval for Daher’s Kodiak series of utility airplanes.

Airflite is based in Western Australia at two primary facilities: Perth International Airport (YPPH) and Jandakot Airport (YPJT), with a maintenance hangar located in the southeast Australian state of Victoria at Moorabbin Airport (YMMB).

The company brings an extensive range of support services for TBM and Kodiak, ranging from work on structural repairs, avionics, batteries, propellers, painting, and non-destructive testing. Its mobile repair team is available for deployment across Australia to support Daher-built aircraft.

Airflite also is Daher’s in-country aircraft sales representative for both the TBM and Kodiak.

In qualifying as a TBM authorized service center, the Airflite staff successfully completed Daher’s training courses – including two-week mechanic training performed on-site by a Daher instructor, along with the presence of a representative to implement such Daher processes as the TBM Total Care Program and warranty coverage.

“We’ve been extremely impressed with the scope and depth of Airflite’s capabilities and its capacity, which is backed by rigorous internal training and a philosophy that mirrors Daher’s strategy of empowering employees in advancing the culture of safety,” explained Raphael Maitre, the Vice President of Customer Support at Daher’s Aircraft Division.

Kristian Constantinides, Airflite’s General Manager, said: “Our appointment by Daher as a TBM and Kodiak service center is a recognition of our level of expertise and commitment to maintaining and servicing these aircraft. It is a testament to the trust Daher places in Airflite’s capabilities. This designation not only enhances our reputation, but also reinforces our position in the aviation industry.”

“We strongly believe in the potential of both aircraft in our region,” Constantinides added. “For the vast landscapes of Australia, with many remote and challenging areas, the versatility and rugged design of the Kodiak is particularly appealing. The high performance and efficiency of the TBM series is advantageous for covering longer distances efficiently.”
For Daher’s overall Network presence in Australia, Air Gold Coast – which is based in Coolangatta, Queensland – continues as an authorized TBM Service Center.

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