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Airbus A320 reconfiguration project

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J&C Aero completes turnkey Airbus A320 reconfiguration project for Arena Aviation Capital

J&C Aero, an international aviation center for innovation in cabin transformation and CAMO, has completed a full-cycle Airbus A320 reconfiguration project for an aircraft asset investment company Arena Aviation Capital. The project covered cabin modification development, production, certification, and installation by J&C Aero’s in-house teams.

“Aircraft transition between operators is a complex process involving various risks, including those related to aircraft cabin modification. Luckily, thanks to our recent expansion and new services, we can provide turnkey aircraft interior solutions – from design to installation – and ensure wider support for aircraft investors and operators as the industry spreads its wings after several challenging years,” commented Vitalijus Malyška, the COO at J&C Aero.

The Arena Aviation Capital’s cabin reconfiguration project covered the development of a new LOPA and related minor cabin modifications, as well as the full refurbishment of 180 passenger seats. In addition, J&C Aero’s in-house EASA Part 145 capabilities enabled the installation of the seats and other related modification elements by the company’s technicians in Vilnius, Lithuania. In the final stage, J&C Aero’s CAMO engineers ensured a smooth certification process for the reconfigured Airbus A320.

“Being a one-stop-shop aircraft interior solutions provider, we always look forward to challenging projects. In this particular case, we are grateful to Arena Aviation Capital for entrusting us with the full reconfiguration process – from design to production and installation. And we are also proud of our in-house teams that made it all possible,” said J&C Aero’s executive.

“The fewer links in the chain, the smoother goes the process of preparing an aircraft for a new operator. This is particularly important as the summer high season is almost here. With this in mind, J&C Aero’s team did a great job: from the modification planning to the execution, they did everything as expected and on time. Both we and our airline customer are delighted with the outcome,” shared Andy Gao, Technical Asset Manager at Arena Aviation Capital.

About Arena Aviation Capital

Arena Aviation Capital is a full-service aircraft investment management company focusing on the complete life cycle of acquiring and leasing used commercial aviation assets, servicing investment and airline customers worldwide and providing services including the origination, financing, risk management, and administration (finance/accounting and legal) of commercial aviation assets.

Arena also provides pre-packaged tailor-made solutions for airline customers for their mid and end-of-life assets. Arena today manages 58 aircraft leased to 27 airline customers in Europe, North America, South America, Africa, and Asia.

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About J&C Aero

J&C Aero is an international aviation center for innovation in cabin transformation and CAMO. As an EASA-certified design, production, maintenance, and CAMO organization, J&C Aero provides extensive cabin interior and repair solutions for narrow and wide-body aircraft operators and owners.

The range of the company’s services covers cabin interior design and production, aircraft line and parts maintenance, engineering and continuing airworthiness management, aircraft teardown and spare parts supply, as well as special-purpose STC and VIP cabin solutions.

J&C Aero holds EASA Part 21J, Part 21G, Part 145, and CAMO approvals, supplemented by multiple STCs, authorizations, and other approvals.

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Source: ICAERO

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