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Olympic Air and AEGEAN flight cancellations

News actualites aeromorning

Athens, January 24th 2021

AEGEAN and Olympic Air would like to inform all passengers that due to the exceptional weather conditions prevailing in Greece, as of today January 24, 2022, early afternoon and until tomorrow January 25, 2022 at 12:00 only a limited number of flights are to be operated, should whether conditions at the time allow, whereas all other flights to and from Athens International Airport and other Greek airports are being cancelled.

The specific flights that are to be operated, should whether conditions at departure time allow, are the following:

CarrierFlight numberFromTo

As of Tuesday, January 25, 2022 at 12:00 and should weather conditions allow, a new modified schedule will be announced, whereas further cancellations and reschedules could be announced for Wednesday, January 26, 2022, depending on the evolution of weather conditions.

To avoid any additional inconvenience passengers are kindly advised to check the latest flight details by visiting the official website of AEGEAN & Olympic Air

Source : AEGEAN

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