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Final EGNSS calls open under Horizon 2020

News actualites aeromorning

Four new innovation actions, with a total budget of EUR 21 million, opened under the Horizon 2020 call ‘EGNSS market uptake 2019-2020’ on November 5. Dealing with EGNSS applications for pre-commercial procurement and fostering digitisation, smart mobility, societal resilience and environmental protection, these are the last Horizon 2020 calls before the launch of its successor framework programme – Horizon Europe. The deadline for submissions is 5 March 2020.

Among the four new actions, the ‘EGNSS applications fostering digitisation’ topic (DT-SPACE-EGNSS-2-2019-2020) aims at fostering the adoption of EGNSS (EGNOS and Galileo) in mass markets and ensuring that users reap the benefits of these programmes. To achieve this, the topic targets applications that make the best use of innovative EGNSS features such as better multipath resistance and authentication, in addition to applications that contribute to the competitiveness of the EGNSS industry in mobile applications, with special focus on the innovative role of SMEs.

“The success of Europe’s space programmes is ultimately determined by the market uptake of applications and services based on these programmes. By promoting research and development that leverages Galileo and EGNOS to respond to some of the most pressing current societal challenges, the final Horizon 2020 calls will ensure that an even greater number of Europeans benefit from Europe’s investment in space,” European GNSS Agency (GSA) Executive Director Carlo des Dorides said.

The specific challenge of the ‘GNSS applications fostering green, safe and smart mobility’ topic (LC-SPACE-EGNSS-1-2019-2020) is to develop innovative EGNSS-based applications that lead to low-emission, safer, more secure, lower cost and higher performance mobility. The topic also targets transport solutions that respond to the increased mobility needs of people and goods while improving the continuity of transport services.

Pre-commercial procurement

The third topic in the new call targets ‘EGNSS applications for public authorities’ (SPACE-EGNSS-5-2020). The objective is to launch demand-driven actions by public authorities aimed at customising EGNSS applications to their needs. Proposals should build on the procurement needs of the participating organisations, should support EGNSS market uptake across Europe and demonstrate the sustainability of solutions beyond the lifespan of the proposed project.

Possible innovation procurement applications include EGNSS for mobility as a service, cooperative ITS, public transport and smart cities, implementation of Performance Based Navigation procedures, integration of EGNSS into U-Space for drones, and others. The GSA organised a series of webinars in September to explore the potential for pre-commercial

procurement in four market segments: aviation, maritime, rail, and timing and synchronisation.

Innovative applications

Finally, the ‘EGNSS applications fostering societal resilience and protecting the environment’ topic (SU-SPACE-EGNSS-3-2019-2020) aims to develop innovative EGNSS applications to support societal resilience, safeguard the wellbeing of EU citizens, improve emergency and disaster management as a response to climate related, natural and man-made disasters and ensure green growth.

In an effort to inform a wide range of stakeholders about the upcoming funding opportunities, the GSA and the Horizon 2020 Space NCP Network (COSMOS2020plus) jointly hosted the Horizon 2020 Space Information Day and Brokerage Event at the GSA’s headquarters in Prague, in September. The event presented funding opportunities in Horizon 2020 Space and provided first-hand information on the final Horizon 2020 Space Calls, with a special focus on the EGNSS/GALILEO Call.

About the European GNSS Agency (GSA)

As an official European Union Regulatory Agency, the European GNSS Agency (GSA) manages public interests related to European GNSS programmes. The GSA’s mission is to support European Union objectives and achieve the highest return on European GNSS investment, in terms of benefits to users and economic growth and competitiveness.

For more information, visit the GSA website.

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